are two classes in the school |
Class 1 - Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 |
Class 2
- Year 3 to Year 6 |
1 has
a qualified NNEB. She supports the class
teacher in the delivery of the Early Learning Goals for the children
in Reception. |
2 is divided into Y3/4 and Y5/6 for literacy and numeracy
lessons in the mornings each week. They have a part time Teaching
Assistant. |
is one intake per year and children start school in the September
prior to their fifth birthday. Children starting school are invited in for different
days the term before they start. |
Reception and Early Years children spend 5 mornings and part of two
afternoons in the Reception room with a trained Teaching Assistant.
Here they do a variety of activities appropriate to their age and in
line with the DFEE guidelines on Early Learning Goals. The
remainder of their time is spent in Class 1. The teacher
directs and monitors all the work carried out by these
children. All children starting school are assessed in
line with the statuary requirements for base-line testing. |
school maintains close links with Cheadle High School and other KS3
colleagues so that the transition for pupils at the age of 11 is as
smooth as possible. |
school is also part of the Diamond Cluster of schools. This is
a group of 3 small schools that work closely together. The
children and staff have joint activities throughout the year.
The LEA gives an amount of money each year to support this
work. |
school is proud of its involvement with environmental issues.
We are working towards the ECO Schools status. |
art curriculum provides a range of cultural experiences and
opportunities. The school continually strives to involve the
work of local artists and "Artists in Residence" to
enhance the quality of its arts programme. |
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